- Podcast Guest for Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe, Can Quantum Mechanics Be Deterministic? (Also available here)
- Interview for
- Interview for the article “The return of the aether” Brendan Foster, New Scientist, November 2019
- NIU Media Expert
- “Rolling Stone Magazine -Italia” (in Italian)
- “La Soglia Oscura” (Part 1 and 2, in Italian)
Manuscripts – Popular Introductions
- “Se la meccanica quantistica richiede che ci sia sempre un osservatore, chi osserva l’universo?” Coelus Astronomia, Aprile/maggio 2023. A longer version of this article in English can be found here
- Some Simple Questions and Answers about Bohmian Mechanics.
- “A Dialogue Concerning Fundamentality in Quantum Mechanics.“ FQXi Essay Spring 2017.
Blog Posts
- Syllabus Showcase: “Philosophy of Physics”. Blog of the APA.
- “Gravity and the Dark Side of Science.” IAI News.
- “Realismo Scientifico e Meccanica Quantistica: E’ la Funzione d’Onda la Radice di Tutti i Mali?” Philosophy Department Blog, University of Urbino (Italy).
- “How do Gravitational Waves Confirm General Relativity?” The Philosopher’s Eye, the Wiley Blackwell philosophy blog.